The Calming Caterpillar by the Irish Fairy Door Company


Weighted Soft Toy and Timer  to Help Children to Take Control of Their Big Overwhelming Emotions.

How it Works:

  1. While Sitting comfortably place the weighted caterpillar across your legs & put the timer on a flat surface next to you.
  2. Softly rub the caterpillar and be sure to play with his bendy antenna and velcro feet
  3. Turn the timer over watching the sand move from the sad face to the happy face.  There has been special fairy dust added to the sand.
  4. While watching the sand move take a deep breath in through your nose and count to 4, hold it for 4 seconds, and then let it our through your mouth slowly for another 4 seconds.
  5. Repeat this till all of the sand has passed through or for as long as it takes for those big feelings/worries to have calmed.

The Calming Caterpillar by the Irish Fairy Door Company

Weighted Soft Toy and Timer  to Help Children to Take Control of Their Big Overwhelming Emotions.

Whether you are feeling sad, worries, afraid or angry, the weighted Calming Caterpillar and the timer have been infused with a very special fairy magic to help you to feel better…


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